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Lindsay, W.K. | 1987 | Integrating parks and pastoralists: some lessons from Amboseli | In: Anderson, D. & Grove, R. (Eds) Conservation in Africa. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge | 149-167 | |
Poole, J.H. | 1987 | Rutting behaviour in African elephants: the phenomenon of musth | Behaviour | 102: 283-316 | |
Poole, J.H., Payne, K.B., Langbauer, Jr., W.R. and Moss, C.J. | 1988 | The social contexts of some very low frequency calls of African elephants | Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology | 22: 385-392 | |
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Lee, P.C. | 1989 | Family structure, communal care and female reproductive effort | in: Comparative Socioecology (ed. V. Standen and R.A. Foley), Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications | 323-340 | |
Poole, J.H. | 1989 | Announcing intent: the aggressive state of musth in African elephants | Animal Behaviour | 37: 140-152 | |
Poole, J.H. | 1989 | Mate guarding, reproductive success and female choice in African elephants | Animal Behaviour | 37: 829-849 | |
Poole, J.H. and Thomsen, J.B. | 1989 | Elephants are not beetles: implications of the ivory trade for the survival of the African elephant | Oryx | 23: 189-198 | |
Gordon, I.J. and Lindsay, W.K. | 1990 | Could mammalian herbivores “manage” their resources? | Oikos | 59: 270-280
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Lindsay, W.K. | 1990 | Elephant/habitat interactions | In: Hancock, P. (ed.) The Future of Botswana’s Elephants. Kalahari Conservation Society, Gaborone | 19-23 | |
Moss, C.J. | 1990 | Elephants in Tarangire | Pachyderm | 13: 26-30 | |
Poole, J.H. and Moss, C.J. | 1990 | Elephant mate searching: group dynamics and vocal and olfactory communication | Symposium Zoological Society of London | 61: 111-125 | |
Lee, P.C., Majluf, P. and Gordon, I.J. | 1991 | Growth, weaning and maternal investment from a comparative perspective | Journal of Zoology (London) | 225: 99-114 | |
Lindsay, W.K. | 1991 | Food intake rates and habitat selection of elephants in Amboseli, Kenya | African Wildlife: Research and Management. International Council of Scientific Unions, Paris | 88-92 | |
Dobson, A.P., Mace, G.M., Poole, J.H. and Brett, R.A.G. | 1992 | Conservation biology: The ecology and genetics of endangered species | In: Berry, R. J., Crawford, T. J. & Hewitt G. M. (Eds). Genes in Ecology. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications | 405-430 | |
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Kangwana, F.K. | 1993 | Elephants and Maasai: conflict and conservation in Amboseli, Kenya | PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK | | |
Lindsay, W.K. | 1993 | Elephants and habitats: the need for clear objectives | Pachyderm | 16: 34-40 | |
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Lindsay, W.K. | 1994 | Feeding ecology and population demography of African elephants in Amboseli, Kenya | PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK | | |
Moss, C.J. | 1994 | Some reproductive parameters in a population of African elephants, Loxodonta africana | In: Bambra, C.H. (ed.), Proceedings 2nd International NCRR Conference, Nairobi: Institute of Primate Research | 284-292 | |
Mutinda, H.S. | 1994 | Non-invasive assessment of reproductive status in free-ranging female African elephants (Loxodonta africana) | MSc Thesis, University of Nairobi | | |
Poole, J.H. | 1994 | Logistical and ethical considerations in the management of elephant populations through fertility control | In: Bambra, C.H. (ed.), Proceedings 2nd International NCRR Conference, Nairobi: Institute of Primate Research | 278-283 | |
Poole, J.H. | 1994 | Sex differences in the behaviour of African elephants | In: Short, R. and Lynch, P. (ed.) The Differences Between the Sexes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 331-346 | |
Kangwana, K. | 1995 | Human-elephant conflict: the challenge ahead | Pachyderm | 19, 11-14 | |
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Lee, P.C. | 1996 | Lactation, condition and sociality: constraints on fertility of non-human mammals | In: Rosetta, L. & Mascie-Taylor, C.G.N.(Editors). Variability in Human Fertility: A Biological Anthropological Approach. | Chapter 3 | |
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McComb, K | 1996 | Studying vocal communication in elephants | In: Kangwana, K. (ed.), Studying Elephants. Nairobi: African Wildlife Foundation Technical Handbook Series | 112-119 | |
Moss, C.J. | 1996 | Getting to know a population | In: Kangwana, K. (ed.), Studying Elephants. Nairobi: African Wildlife Foundation Technical Handbook Series | 58-74 | |
Mutinda, H.S. | 1996 | Studying the reproductive physiology of elephants | In: Kangwana, K. (ed.), Studying Elephants. Nairobi: African Wildlife Foundation Technical Handbook Series | 126-129 | |
Poole, J.H. | 1996 | The African elephant | In: Kangwana, K. (ed.), Studying Elephants. Nairobi: African Wildlife Foundation Technical Handbook Series | 1-8 | |
Poole, J.H. | 1998 | An exploration of the commonality between ourselves and elephants | Special Issue Etica & Animali | 9: 85-110 | |
Dobson, A and Poole, J.H. | 1999 | Conspecific aggregation and conservation biology | In: Caro, T. (Ed) Contributions and Limitations of Behavioural Ecology to Conservation Biology. Oxford, Oxford University | 193-208 | |
Lee, P.C. and Moss, C.J. | 1999 | The social context for learning and behavioural development among wild African elephants | In: Box, H.O. & Gibson, K.R. (eds) Mammalian Social Learning. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge | 102-105 | |
Poole, J.H. | 1999 | Signals and assessment in African elephants: evidence from playback experiments | Animal Behaviour | 58: 185-193 | |
McComb, K., Moss, C.J., Sayialel, S. and Baker, L. | 2000 | Unusually extensive networks of vocal recognition in African elephants | 59: 1103-1109 | 59: 1103-1109 | here |
Muruthi, P., Stanley Price, M., Soorae, P., Moss, C.J., and Lanjouw, A. | 2000 | Conservation of large mammals in Africa: What lessons and challenges for the future? | In Entwistle, A. & Dunstone, N. (Eds), Priorities for Conservation of Mammalian Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge | 207-219 | |
Slotow, R., van Dyk, G., Poole, J., Page, B. Klocke, A. | 2000 | Older bull elephants control young males | Nature | 408: 425-426 | here |
McComb, K., Moss, C. and Durant, S. | 2001 | Elephant hunting and conservation | Science | 293: 2203-2204 | here |
McComb, K., Moss, C.J., Durant, S., Baker, L., Sayialel, S. | 2001 | Matriarchs as repositories of social knowledge in African elephants | Science | 292: 491-494 | here |
Moss, C.J. | 2001 | The demography of an African elephant (Loxodonta africana) population in Amboseli, Kenya | Journal of Ecology (London) | 255: 145-156 | here |
Moss, C.J. | 2002 | Elephant research in Amboseli: a perspective from 28 years | In: Schwammer, H.M, Foose, T.J., Fouraker, M, & Olson, D. (eds). A Research Update on Elephants and Rhinos: | 96-102 | |
Archie, E.A., Moss, C.J. and Alberts, S.C. | 2003 | Characterization of tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in the African Savannah Elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) | Molecular Ecology Notes | 3: 244-246 | here |
Gillson, L. and Lindsay, K. | 2003 | Ivory and ecology—changing perspectives on elephant management and the international trade in ivory | Environmental Science & Policy ) | 6: 411–419 | here |
McComb, K., Reby, D., Baker, L., Moss, C. and Sayialel, S. | 2003 | Long-distance communication of cues to social identity in African elephants | Animal Behaviour | 65: 317-329 | here |
Morgan, B.J. and Lee, P.C. | 2003 | Forest elephant stature in the Reserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon | Journal of Zoology (London) | 259: 337-344 | here |
Mutinda, H.S. | 2003 | Social determinants of movements and aggregation among free ranging elephants (Loxodonta africana, Blumenbach) in Amboseli, Kenya | PhD Thesis, University of Nairobi | 19-23 | |
Bulte, E., Damania, R., Gillson, L. and Lindsay, K. | 2004 | Space—the final frontier for economists and elephants? | Science | 306: 420-421 | here |
Archie, E. A. | 2005 | The relationship between kinship and social behavior in wild African elephants (Loxodonta africana) | PhD Thesis, Duke University | | |
Bradshaw, I.G.A., Schore, A.N., Brown, J.L., Poole, J. H. and Moss C. J. | 2005 | Elephant Breakdown | Nature | 433: 807 | here |
Buchan, J.C., Archie, E.A., Van Horn, R.C., Moss, C.J., Alberts, S.C. | 2005 | Locus effects and sources of error in noninvasive genotyping | Molecular Ecology Notes | 5: 680-683. | here |
Hollister-Smith, J.A. | 2005 | Reproductive behavior in male African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and the role of musth: a genetic and experimental analysis | PhD Thesis, Duke University | | |
McComb, K. and Reby, D. | 2005 | Vocal communication networks in large terrestrial mammals | In: Animal Communication Networks (ed. P.K. McGregor). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 372-389 | |
Morrison, T.A., Chiyo, P., Moss, C.J., andAlberts, S.C. | 2005 | Measures of dung bolus size for known age African elephants: implications for age estimation | Journal of Zoology, (London) | 266: 89-94 | here |
Poole, J.H. and Granli, P.K. | 2005 | The ethical management of elephants and the value of long-term field research | AAVS | 63: 2-5 | |
Poole, J.H., Tyack, P.L., Stoeger-Horwath, A. S. and Wattled, S. | 2005 | Elephants are capable of vocal learning | Nature | 434: 455-456 | here |
Archie, E.A., Morrison, T.A., Foley, C.A.H., Moss, C.J. and Alberts, S.C. | 2006 | Dominance rank relationships among wild female African elephants, Loxodonta africana. | Animal Behaviour | 71: 117-127 | here |
Archie, E.A., Moss, CJ. and Alberts, S.C. | 2006 | The ties that bind: genetic relatedness predicts fission and fusion of social groups in wild African elephants | Proceedings of the Royal Society B | 273:513-522 | here |
Kioko, J., Kiringe, J., and Omondi, P. | 2006 | Human-elephant conflict outlook in the Tsavo-Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya | Pachyderm | 41: 53-60 | |
Kioko, J., Okello, M., and Muruthi, P. M. | 2006 | Elephant numbers and distribution in the Tsavo-Amboseli ecosystem, south-western Kenya | Pachyderm | 40: 61-68 | |
Lee, P.C. and Graham, M.D. | 2006 | African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and human-elephant interactions: implications for conservation | International Zoo Yearbook | 40: 1-19 | here |
McComb, K. Baker, L., and Moss, C. | 2006 | Elephants show high level of interest in the skulls and ivory of their own species | Biology Letters | : 26-28 | here |
Shrader, A.M., Ferreira, S.M., McElveen, M.E., Lee, P.C., Moss, C.J. and van Aarde, R.J. | 2006 | Structural growth and age determination of savanna elephants | Journal of Zoology (London) | 270: 40-48 | here |
Archie, E.A., Hollister-Smith, J.A., Poole, J.H., Lee, P.C., Moss, C.J., Maldonado, J.E., Fleischer, R.C., Alberts, S.C. | 2007 | Behavioural inbreeding avoidance in wild African elephants | Molecular Ecology | 16: 4128-4148 | here |
Bates, L. A., Sayialel, K. N., Njiraini, N. W., Moss, C. J., Poole, J. H., and Byrne, R. W. | 2007 | Elephants classify human ethnic groups by odor and garment color | Current Biology | 17(22): 1938-1942 | here |
Bates, L.A. and Byrne, R.W. | 2007 | Creative or created: Using anecdotes to investigate animal cognition | Methods | 42: 12-21 | here |
Hollister-Smith, J.A., Poole, J.H., Archie, E.A., Vance, E.A, Georgiadis, N.J., Moss, C.J., Alberts, S.C. | 2007 | Age, musth and paternity success in wild male African elephants, Loxodonta africana | Animal Behaviour | 74: 287-296 | here |
Morgan, B.J. and Lee, P.C. | 2007 | Forest elephant group composition, frugivory and coastal use in Reserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon | African Journal of Ecology | 45: 519–526 | here |
O'Connell-Rodwell C.E., Wood J.D., Kinzley C., Rodwell T.C., Poole J.H., Puria S. | 2007 | Wild African elephants (Loxodonta africana) discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecific seismic alarm calls | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 122: 823-830 | here |
Steenkamp, G., Ferreira, S. M., and Bester, M. N. | 2007 | Tusklessness and tusk fractures in free-ranging African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) | JS Afr Vet Assoc | 78: 75-80 | here |
Bates, L. A., Sayialel, K. N., Njiraini, N. W., Poole, J. H., Moss, C. J., and Byrne, R. W. | 2008 | African elephants have expectations about the locations of out-of-sight family members | Biology Letters | 4(1): 34-36 | here |
Browne-Nuñez, C., and Jonker, S. A. | 2008 | Attitudes toward wildlife and conservation across Africa: a review of survey research | Human Dimensions of Wildlife | 13(1): 47-70. | here |
Byrne, R., Lee, P. C., Njiraini, N., Poole, J. H., Sayialel, K., Sayialel, S., Bates, L.A. and Moss, C. J. | 2008 | Do elephants show empathy? | Journal of Consciousness Studies | 15: 10-11. | |
Clubb, R., Rowcliffe, M., Lee, P., Mar, K. U., Moss, C., and Mason, G. J. | 2008 | Compromised survivorship in zoo elephants | Science | 322: 1649-1649 | here |
Fishlock, V., Lee, P., and Breuer, T. | 2008 | Quantifying forest elephant social structure in Central African bai environments | Pachyderm | 44: 19-28 | |
Kioko, J., Muruthi, P., Omondi, P., and Chiyo, P. I. | 2008 | The performance of electric fences as elephant barriers in Amboseli, Kenya | South African Journal of Wildlife Research | 38: 52-58 | here |
Poole, J. H., and Moss, C. J. | 2008 | Elephant sociality and complexity: the scientific evidence | In C. Wemmer & K. Christen (Eds), Elephants and ethics: towards a morality of coexistence. John Hopkins University | Pp: 69-98. | |
Poole, J., and Granli, P. | 2008 | Mind and movement: Meeting the interests of elephants | In: D. Forthman, D., KaneIn: D. Forthman, D., Kane, L., Hancocks, D. & Waldau, P. (Eds) An elephant in the room: The science and well-being of elephants in captivity, pp. 22-39. Hanover (NH): Tufts University Press , L., Hancocks, D. & Waldau, P. (Eds) An elephant in the room: The science and well-being of elephants in captivity, pp. 22-39. Hanover (NH): Tufts University Press | 2-21 | |
Graham, M. D., Douglas‐Hamilton, I., Adams, W. M., and Lee, P. C. | 2009 | The movement of African elephants in a human‐dominated land‐use mosaic | Animal Conservation | 12: 445-455 | here |
Lee, P.C. and Moss, C.J. | 2009 | Welfare and well-being of captive elephants: Perspectives from wild elephant life histories | In: Forthman, D., Kane, L., Hancocks, D. & Waldau, P. (Eds) An elephant in the room: the science and well-being of elephants in | 22-39 | |
Mason, G. J., Rowcliffe, M., Mar, K. U., Lee, P., Moss, C., and Clubb, R. | 2009 | Fecundity and population viability in female zoo elephants: problems and possible solutions | Animal Welfare | 18: 237-247 | |
Vance, E. A., Archie, E. A., and Moss, C. J. | 2009 | Social networks in African elephants | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | 15: 273-293 | here |
Archie, E. A., Henry, T., Maldonado, J. E., Moss, C. J., Poole, J. H., Pearson, V. R., Murray, S., Alberts, S. and Fleischer, R. | 2010 | Major histocompatibility complex variation and evolution at a single, expressed DNA locus in two genera of elephants | Immunogenetics | 62(2), 85-100 | here |
Bates, L. A., Handford, R., Lee, P. C., Njiraini, N., Poole, J. H., Sayialel, K., Sayialel, S., Moss, C.J. and Byrne, R. W. | 2010 | Why do African elephants (Loxodonta africana) simulate oestrus? An analysis of longitudinal data | PloS one | 5(4): e10052 | here |
Browne-Nuñez, C. | 2010 | Resident attitudes and behaviors toward elephants: Evaluating human-elephant conflict mitigation interventions around Amboseli N | PhD Thesis, University of Florida | | |
Chiyo, P. I. | 2010 | Socio-Ecology and Behavior of Crop Raiding Elephants in the Amboseli Ecosystem | PhD Thesis, Duke University | | |
Graham, M. D., Notter, B., Adams, W. M., Lee, P. C., and Ochieng, T. N. | 2010 | Patterns of crop-raiding by elephants, Loxodonta africana, in Laikipia, Kenya, and the management of human–elephant conflict | Systematics and Biodiversity | 8: 435-445 | here |
Nowak, K., Jones, T., and Lee, P. C. | 2010 | Using dung bolus diameter for age estimation in an unstudied elephant population in Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania | Pachyderm | 46: 47-52 | |
Wasser, S., Poole, J., Lee, P., Lindsay, K., Dobson, A., Hart, J., Douglas-Hamilton, I., et al.and Nowak, K. | 2010 | Elephants, ivory, and trade | Science | 327: 1331-1332 | here |
Byrne, R. W., and Bates, L. A. | 2011 | Cognition in the wild: exploring animal minds with observational evidence | Biology Letters | 7(4): 619-622 | here |
Chiyo, P. I., Archie, E. A., Hollister-Smith, J. A., Lee, P. C., Poole, J. H., Moss, C. J., and Alberts, S. C. | 2011 | Association patterns of African elephants in all-male groups: the role of age and genetic relatedness | Animal Behaviour | 81: 1093-1099 | here |
Chiyo, P. I., Lee, P. C., Moss, C. J., Archie, E. A., Hollister-Smith, J. A., and Alberts, S. C. | 2011 | No risk, no gain: effects of crop raiding and genetic diversity on body size in male elephants. | Behavioural Ecology | 22: 552-558 | here |
Chiyo, P. I., Moss, C. J., Archie, E. A., Hollister‐Smith, J. A., and Alberts, S. C. | 2011 | Using molecular and observational techniques to estimate the number and raiding patterns of crop‐raiding elephants | Journal of Applied Ecology | 48(3): 788-796 | here |
Kioko, J. M., and Seno, S. O. | 2011 | Elephant corridor use and threats in the eastern range of Amboseli elephants, Kenya | Pachyderm | 49: 70-78 | |
Lee, P.C. | 2011 | Problem animals or problem people? Ethics, politics and practice - conflict between community perspectives and field work on con | In: MacClancey, J. & Fuentes, A. (Eds) Centralizing fieldwork: critical perspectives from primatology, biological and social ant | 69-83 | |
McComb, K., Shannon, G., Durant, S. M., Sayialel, K., Slotow, R., Poole, J., and Moss, C. | 2011 | Leadership in elephants: the adaptive value of age | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 278: 3270-3276 | here |
Moss, C.J., Croze, H.J. and Lee, P.C. (Editors) | 2011 | The Amboseli Elephants: A Long-Term Perspective on a Long-Lived Mammal | University of Chicago Press, Chicago | | |
O'Connell-Rodwell, C. E., Erckie, R., Kilian, W., Wood, J. D., Kinzley, C., Rodwell, T. C., and Poole, J. H. | 2011 | Exploring the use of acoustics as a tool in male elephant/human conflict mitigation | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 130: 2459 | here |
Trimble, M. J., Van Aarde, R. J., Ferreira, S. M., Nørgaard, C. F., Fourie, J., Lee, P. C., and Moss, C. J. | 2011 | Age determination by back length for African savanna elephants: extending age assessment techniques for aerial-based surveys | PloS one | 6: e26614 | here |
Webber, C. E., Sereivathana, T., Maltby, M. P., and Lee, P. C. | 2011 | Elephant crop-raiding and human–elephant conflict in Cambodia: crop selection and seasonal timings of raids | Oryx | 45: 243-251 | here |
Archie, E. A., and Chiyo, P. I. | 2012 | Elephant behaviour and conservation: social relationships, the effects of poaching, and genetic tools for management. | Molecular Ecology | 21(3), 765-778 | here |
Chiyo, P. I., Moss, C. J., and Alberts, S. C. | 2012 | The influence of life history milestones and association networks on crop-raiding behavior in male African elephants | PloS one | 7(2): e31382 | here |
Lee, P. C., and Moss, C. J. | 2012 | Wild female African elephants (Loxodonta africana) exhibit personality traits of leadership and social integration | Journal of Comparative Psychology | 126: 224-232 | here |
Lee, P. C., Sayialel, S., Lindsay, W. K., and Moss, C. J. | 2012 | African elephant age determination from teeth: validation from known individuals | African Journal of Ecology | 50: 9-20 | here |
McLean, E. R., Kinsella, J. M., Chiyo, P., Obanda, V., Moss, C., and Archie, E. A. | 2012 | Genetic identification of five strongyle nematode parasites in wild African elephants (Loxodonta africana) | Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 48: 707-716 | here |
Fishlock, V., and Lee, P. C. | 2013 | Forest elephants: fission–fusion and social arenas | Animal Behaviour | 85: 357-363 | here |
Lee, P. C., Bussière, L. F., Webber, C. E., Poole, J. H., and Moss, C. J. | 2013 | Enduring consequences of early experiences: 40 year effects on survival and success among African elephants (Loxodonta africana) | Biology Letters | 9: 20130011 | here |
Fishlock, V. and Breuer, T. | 2015 | Studying Forest Elephants | Neuer Sportverlag, Germany | | |
Lee, P.C., Fishlock, V., Webbeter, C.E. & Moss, C.J. | 2016 | The reproductive advantages of a long life: longevity and senescence in wild female African elephants | Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology | 70(3): 337-345 | here |
Breuer, T., Maisels, F. & Fishlock, V. | 2016 | The consequeneces of poaching and anthopogenic change for forest elephants | Conservation Biology | 30(5): 1019-1026 | here |
Boult, V., Sibly, R. Quaife, T., Fishlock, V., Moss, C.J. & Lee, P.C. | 2018 | Modelling large herbivore movement decisions: Beyond food availalibity as a predictor of ranging patterns | African Journal of Ecology | 57(1): 10-19 | here |
Boult, V., Quaife, T., Fishlock, V., Moss, C.J., Lee, P.C. & Sibly, R. | 2018 | Individual-based modelling of elephant population dyamics using remote sensing to estimate food availability | Ecological Modelling | 387: 187 | here |
Brakes, P., Dall, S.R.D., Aplin, L.M., Bearhop, S., Carroll, E., Ciucci, P., Fishlock, V., Ford, J.K.B., Garland, E.C., Keith, S.A., Mcgregor, P.K., Mesnick, S.L., Noad, M.J., di Sciara, G.N., Robbins, M., Simmonds, M.P., Spina, F., Thornton, A., Wade, P.R., Whiting, M.J., Williams, J., Whitehead, H., Whiten, A., Rutz, C. | 2019 | Animal cultures matter for conservation | Science | 363(6431):eaaw3557 | here |
Boult, V., Fishlock, V., Quaife, T., Hawkins, E., Moss, C.J., Lee, P.C., Sibly, R. | 2019 | Human-driven habitat change is a greater threat to Amboseli elephants than climate change | Conservation Science and Practice | e87 | here |
Schüsßler, D., Lee, P.C., & Stadtmann, R. | 2018 | Analysing land use change to identify migration corridors of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Kenyan-Tanzanian borderlands | Landscape Ecology | 33(12): 2121-2136 | here |
Sekar, N., Clark, W., Dobson, A., Coelho, P.C.F., Hannam, P.M., Hepworth, R., Hsiang, S., Kahumbu, P., Lee, P.C., Lindsay, W.K., Pereira, C.L., Wasser, S.K. & Nowak, K. | 2018 | Ivory crisis: Growing no-trade consensus | Science | 360(6386):276-277 | here |
Lusseau.D. & Lee, P.C. | 2018 | Can we sustainably harvest ivory? | Current Biology | 26(21):2951-2956 | here |
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Fishlock, Vicki, Lydia Tiller, Norah Njiraini, Catherine Sayialel, Phyllis Lee, Cynthia Moss, Joseph Mukeka, Shadrack Ngene, and Patrick Omondi
| 2023 | Bridging the Rift: demonstrating large mammal landscape connectivity from Amboseli National Park to the greater Maasai Mara.
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Smit, Josephine B., Charlotte E. Searle, Hannah M. Buchanan‐Smith, Paolo Strampelli, Lameck Mkuburo, Victor A. Kakengi, Edward M. Kohi, Amy J. Dickman, and Phyllis C. Lee.
| 2023 | Anthropogenic risk increases night‐time activities and associations in African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Ruaha‐Rungwa ecosystem, Tanzania
| African Journal of Ecology
| 61:64-76
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Robertson, Marion R., Lisa J. Olivier, John Roberts, Laddawan Yonthantham, Constance Banda, Innocent B. N’gombwa, Rachel Dale, and Lydia N. Tiller.
| 2023 | Testing the Effectiveness of the “Smelly” Elephant Repellent in Controlled Experiments in Semi-Captive Asian and African Savanna Elephants
| Animals
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